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Foundation For Police Research, officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia.

ndia officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia

ASEAN region is one of the fastest growing region of the world and have a very strategic location on the globe. Mr. Mukesh Kharia, Director for Promotions and Mr. Ashish Gupta, Deputy Director-Research visited ASEANAPOL Secretariat at Royal Malaysia Police Headquarter in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21st April 2016. The courtesy visit was aimed to have knowledge, information and sharing the experience in international cooperation on Policing.

ndia officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia ndia officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia


The ASEANAPOL have been formed with the objectives of:

  • Enhance police professionalism
  • Forge stronger regional cooperation in policing
  • Promote lasting friendship amongst police officers of member countries

The courtesy meeting had various discussions on the subjects pertaining to ASEANAPOL and best practices being performed by the ASEANAPOL members. The issues discussed were Forensics, border issues, objectives of the ASEANAPOL etc. A warm welcome was done by Mr. Yohanes Agus Mulyono, Police Brigadier General and Executive Director-ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Mr. Ferdinand Realtor Piedad Bartolome, Police Senior Superintendent and Director for Police Services-ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Ms. Yuli Cahyanti, Superintendent and Director for Plans & Programmes- ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Mr. Saravanan Munusamy, Assistant Superintendent of Police and ASP for Police Services- ASEANAPOL Secretariat. The ASEANAPOL have been doing the tremendous work where it harmonizes and facilitates the members countries on the problems and challenges like Women and Child Trafficking,

ndia officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia ndia officials visited ASEANAPOL SECRETARIAT at Malaysia

The Foundation for Police Research, India and ASEANAPOL had also shared the views and opinions on the use of technology and latest equipment where Executive Director of ASEANAPOL feels that “It is one of the most essential component for Policing in any country”. He also stressed on the better and enhanced relations in key fields like intelligence, forensics and international cooperation. According to Mr. Ferdinand, Director for Police services, ASEANAPOL have achieved its motto “Together we keep the region safe” which, Foundation for Police Research also feels, is supplemented by the ASEANAPOL. The Executive Director also offered few more visits and mutual cooperation on various fronts of Research and Developments in the Policing through Foundation for Policing. The Foundation for Police officials were presented the official bulletin being published by ASEANAPOL along with some memories.